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Dr. Diane England

at Delphi for 12 years. She is a high temperature materials expert and has been awarded a number of patents for the development of high temperature brazes for refractory materials….


Thermal transport in disordered materials

We review the status of research on thermal/phonon transport in disordered materials. The term disordered materials is used here to encompass both structural and compositional disorder. It includes structural deviations…


Dr. Caleb Amy

Caleb is experienced in thermal, fluid, and materials design, analysis, and fabrication of prototype extremely high temperature thermomechanical systems. He is interested in positions where he can enable technologies to…


Dr. Asegun Henry

now in the Guinness Book of World Records, has opened the door for new high temperature energy systems concepts, such as methane cracking for CO2 free hydrogen production and a…